• 25-30% discount

  • Recurring payment once a month

  • Option to schedule additional sessions at Membership prices

  • Check out FAQ below for more details


  • Standard rate for training

  • Pay for each session you schedule

  • The Pay-per-Session option requires minimal commitment, and costs the standard training rate.

    The Monthly Membership is a greater commitment, and comes at a discounted price. If a keeper wants to schedule additional training to what’s included in the membership, they do so at the same discounted rate.

    Group and individual training are available in both of these options.

  • Group Sessions
    -scheduled by you on the website
    -best for engaging with other keepers and creating game-realistic scenarios in training (tactical)

    Individual Sessions
    -scheduled by reaching out to Coach Danielle or Coach Brook
    -best for extreme individual attention and building or refining fundamental skills (technical)

  • Pay-per-Session
    $50 for group sessions
    $100 for individual sessions

    Monthly Membership
    $150 gets you $200 worth of training. This ends up getting you access to:
    4 group sessions
    2 group sessions and 1 individual session
    2 individual sessions

    With the membership, if a keeper wants more training you still get the discounted rate.

  • If you purchase the membership, there is no refund or rollover for missed sessions.

    This is like a gym membership: we’d love for your athlete to come train with us, but if they register for but don’t attend a session, it can’t be made up later.

  • Of course! You can cancel your membership any time.

    However, you must cancel at least 24 hours before your billing date. If you forget to cancel with at least 24 hours before the charge, the payment will go through and there will be no refunds given.

    Please make sure to stay on top of this to avoid frustration!

  • No. When you purchase a membership you begin your month and can take advantage of the sessions in that month.

    If the month ends and you haven’t used all the sessions, they do not roll over to the next month. At the beginning of each monthly billing cycle, you’ll get a fresh set of options, and last month’s options expire for good.